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He has been involved in music for as long as he can remember: as a listener, musician, musicologist, journalist, music critic, lyricist and radio producer. He considers the quality of the listener to be more important than the above. He is a musicologist – researcher and PhD in ethnomusicology and recently published his first book entitled “The political song in Greece 1974-2002” (Fagottobooks publications).

In myathlete team he has been dealing with communication (digital marketing & social media) since 2013.

He was for a number of years director of the Greek Music Archive of A.E.P.I. (Anonymous Company for the Protection of Intellectual Property), while currently he holds the position of Chief of Operations at EDEM (Association of Licensed Music Works).

For twenty-five years he has been writing articles (record reviews, reviews and interviews) about music on musicspins website and other well-known websites (avopolis, ogdoo, protagon, andro etc.), but also in the printed press.

He maintains a vidcast on YouTube with the general title “Will you say a song?”, while also signing a podcast series with the general title “Dark Room”. His lyrics have been set to music by: Euripides Zemenidis, Dimitris Sinanoglou, Alexandros Kapsokavadis and Miltiadis Papastamou and sung by: Giorgos Dalaras, Dionysis Savvopoulos, Eleonora Zouganelis, Markos Koumaris, Tzimis Panousis, Kostas Parissis, Thodoris Mermigas, Chris of Ninios, et al. He is a long distance runner and has completed 20 Marathons.

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